Travel tips for 5-10 year olds and beyond.
Travel tips for 5-10 year olds and beyond.
When heading off on holiday with our older kids, we often fall into the trap of having a rose tinted view on what your holiday is going to be like, with unattainable goals of, twinkling laughter of children happily entertaining themselves playing sweet games, with no screens in sight, whilst getting on like ‘The Waltons’ in the costa del perfect; you’ll have time to relax by the pool reading that novel you have coveted for months, with not one whisper of the dreaded ‘I’m bored or the he said / she said’….
Let’s face it…. The enticing elixir of that Instagram perfect family holiday does not really exist, plus would you want it to? The trick is to embrace authentic holiday fun with plenty of things on hand to keep everyone happy! Melt into the moment allow yourself to enjoy the bumps in the road, because this is your family, they are the best. Plus remember so long as no one gets hurt even ‘that’ moment will in time become one of the funniest, most cherished, and most reported moments of your family’s story.
So what to pack? You will no longer need a buggy and nappy sac, but you will need to plan your kit, limits and manage expectations before you go.
Obviously, what you will need to take will differ with the type or location of your holiday, planning is key. Not only will it make your holiday so much more enjoyable but also, we hope to save you panic packing, or worse still running through the airport like its supermarket sweep picking up ‘everything’ you might need!
So, let’s start with some space saving tips, unless you're headed to Outer Mongolia on a regimented nonstop tour, there is no need to pack everything before you head to the airport.
For instance, those buckets of shower gel, shampoo, and every toiletry in your cabinet? There will be shops where you're headed or pick your kit at the airport. Top tip: You can order a click and collect to pick up at most airport Boot’s – so save time, suitcase space, and stress and pick up your toiletries. Order them to arrive the day before you travel, to make sure they’re there!
Do pack, snacks for the journey! We all know all kids (and adults) get grumpy without food, and all kids can go from totally fine to the monster from the deep within a millisecond when hungry. So do pack the snacks!
Devices, yes! Be realistic set expectations before you go, don’t have ‘the’ argument on holiday and stick to your side of the agreement. If they have a phone, set expectations around roaming or, I hear those second mortgage rates are sublime right about now! Be realistic what will make for a grump free break. The suggestion of no phones or devices at the table is great, remember this works both ways! Plus make sure they have headphones; they may well be your ticket to a lie in!
Water fun! If you’re heading to a countryside villa don’t expect to pick up floaties and pool toys at your local stores. Take them with you, plus a pump! You can get amazing travel pumps some are even chargeable, and so worth it! So, pick up a bucket and spade before you go and don’t forget goggles and floats!
Outdoor games are great too, from our fabulous flat pack football, foooty, through to sets of bowls or Petangue or even a bat and ball are great to take along. Not only can you prove to the kids you’ve ‘still’ got it but trust us having plenty to entertain outside will pay dividends when you want to make headway into that book.
A teaser or two. There is nothing like a great puzzle to entice the kids. Check out our mechanical puzzles, perfect for traveling with. Plus, this Dynacu-be is a great fidget toy that can fill any waiting time.
A sketch book and pens, not only great for all kids, but also useful for scoring, shopping lists and the all-important game of ‘stop the bus’! So, try out some of our lovely OMY sets, for a little arty holiday treat, we also have fab sticker and colouring in posters great for wiling away an afternoon in the shade or a rainy day.
Then no holiday is complete without a game or two, we have so many fabulous options, many are pocket sized so ideal to take on holiday or even out for dinner any time! Check out our selection of pocket sized and travel games here, with personal favourites being good face bad face, Kluster, Kontor and Katamino pocket
One tip though, leave the super competitive games at home, monopoly though a classic has ruined many a family games night when emotions are running high so leave it at home!
Then finally if you’re staying in the UK, don’t pack, get a bundle of toys sent to you! We will happily send you a great selection of boredom busting activities to lighten any staycation!