Christmas Eve time to create your own family traditions.
Christmas Eve time to create your own family traditions.
Christmas eve is one of the most magical of days, but in equal parts it can be rather stressful. Especially if you don’t make a plan. So.. how about creating some new family traditions so everyone knows how the day will run, when you have little ones it’s a great way to keep things calm (er)….
Real family Christmases are not perfect and not everything is going to go to plan. So let’s start with the prep as this will help, plus being kind to you, and everyone will have fun…
Top tips:
Let’s hope the Christmas gifts are wrapped, its time to ensure they are hidden but not so well hidden they’re impossible to access QUIETLY...
The big toys are built? No, see if someone can take the kids out for a run around in the park for an hour or so… building in the early hours is not fun especially with eggnog on board.
So you have everything in hand, still see if you can get someone to take the kids out for a run about in the park or out and about, breathe and enjoy the peace.
1. Have big a family breakfast or brunch, see if someone else can pull off they’re fabulous full English. Fill up you’ve got a full day ahead of you. Make it Christmas themed and bring in some fun! You could create Christmas tree toast by using a cookie cutter or add some sparkle to the top of hot chocolates with edible glitter or Christmas themed marshmallows.
2. Make some Reindeer food and dress Santa’s snack tray. Ask your little ones to make a card especially for Santa. It will create a wonderful memento of all your Christmases. Here is a fabulous recipe for Reindeer food – which is great for wildlife too!
3. We already said it – head out to the park or local adventure playground! The little ones can run off some steam and you will enjoy the break.
4. Christmas Crafting, we love the Christmas Sticker & colouring sets. A great way to entertain even the most excited of little ones easily! Plus reasonably mess free...
5. We love baking, often the kitchen can be super busy on Christmas…. A great way to have some fun is to build a gingerbread house with a premade set? They really are great, for your littlest there are many biscuits sets available. But if baking is a must, look at Craft & Crumb their sets are fabulous.
6. Keep track of Santa, you can do this with the NORAD Santa Tracker. You can keep see how many presents he has delivered, and more importantly, find out how far away he is from your house. Alternatively, you can catch a sighting of Santa's sleigh (aka the International Space Station) as it passes over your house early on Christmas Eve morning.
7. In the early evening, take a walk or drive out to take in the Christmas light, either in the neighbourhood or in your local town. It’s a great way to take a breath..
8. Have a family games night, short and easy games are the best, I’ll say it again – there is no place for monopoly on Christmas eve, that is unless you’re seeking a conversation free Christmas day… I did warn you!
9. Film night! Choose a favourite and watch it every year! We always ring in Christmas with the Griswold’s and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Settle in with Hot chocolate in hand (or mulled wine), maybe some Christmas baked goodies or your own reindeer mix.. and Enjoy!
10. Take one last look for Santa, have some bell’s in your pocket (yes sneaky)
11. Read a Christmas story at bedtime, nothing too exciting remember sleep is the main point but make that last special memory before hopefully they head off to sleep…
12. Santa’s been that house is quiet, breath and take a photo of the tree and presents. It's such a lovely memento of Christmases to remember this year’s decorations and gifts in all their glory…. Before!
Wishing you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas!