

We just love this trike and balance bike in its beautiful vintage colours, it screams quality from classic Chucky wheels to the comfy seat. It is also two bikes in one a trike & a balance bike, it will last your young cyclist offering confident learning and fun as the bike grows with them..

Plus having  built confidence using the Trybike children will quickly and easily be able to jump onto a peddle bike with very little practice! 

Don't forget to pair with a helmet, we carry ones from Scoot and Ride because they fit so well, with extra safety features paired with a great design that allows children use independently which will encourage them to put safety first.

Plus a beautiful basket so your little one can carry all their kit.

Now take a look at what the team at Trybike have to say.

2-in-1 CONCEPT The Trybike Steel offers you 2 bikes in 1. The perfect bike for each step in your child’s early life. QUALITY The Trybike has been designed and developed in The Netherlands by Co&Co after many years of experience with balance bikes. We have applied our experience and selected the best materials, created the most durable construction and added the nicest details as well as a quality finish.

SMALL TURNING RADIUS One of the biggest misconceptions about balance bikes is that bikes should have a small steering angle and therefore have an enormous turning circle. For that reason, you often see children lift the front wheel in tight corners. We have minimized the turning circle. Particularly in the early stages this will be very convenient.

SMART CONTROL DISC Another great feature of the Trybike Steel is its control disk for the back wheel. This way you can get an even lower or higher seat position or increase or shorten the wheel base. Just create the perfect Trybike setting for all levels and skills of your child.

UNIQUE FOOTREST TO LEARN EVEN BETTER BALANCING The Trybike Steel has an unique footrest which takes balancing to the next level. When your child is able to balance by keeping feet from the ground for some time it is possible to make the next step to a pedal bike. The only thing they have to learn now is to pedal and brake. Don’t put on training wheels anymore. Most kids will master to ride a pedal bike within 1 or 2 hours when they have been experienced Trybike riders.

GIVE YOUR TRYBIKE STEEL YOUR OWN LOOK Each bike comes with sticker sheets with loads of designs to choose from to customise your Trybike steel to your personal taste. Our stickers are made of durable vinyl with UV laminate, making every sticker withstand rain, wind and sunlight.

BEST RIDER POSITION There are currently several tricycle balance bikes on the market but none of them have the correct dimensions nor proportions. The small inexpensive balance bikes have 8 or 10 inch wheels which are so small that they will only last for 3 to 6 months before your child will outgrow them. Other large tricycle balance bikes have incorrect proportions so children will hit their heels against the long rear axle. SHARP PRICING The suggested retail price of £129 for the complete Trybike Steel might seem high but you will get 2 bikes in one that your child will enjoy for five years and where else 3 products should be bought.

SIMPLE AND BASIS DESIGN When we designed the Trybike we kept the bike as simple as possible. The short front and rear axle are identical and basic, without too many rings, tubes and other unnecessary parts. The long rear axle is also very basic but made of the strongest steel available. In short, simple and therefore durable and tough.

Unfortunately at this time we are unable to ship this item to Northern Ireland or the Channel Isles.

Product details

Good to know

Product Size

Seat height: adjustable from 30 cm to 45 cm

Length, from front wheel to rear wheel(s): adjustable between 87 to 94 cm

Width of rear wheels in 3-wheel setting: 49 cm

Width handlebar:41 cm Height handlebar: adjustable between 54 to 61 cm

Weight: 6.3 kg as a tricycle 5.2 kg as a bicycle


1 Trybike which when built will convert from tricycle to balance bike

Ideal for

15 months - 6 years


Shipped boxed - we would advise building before gifting to child


This is fabulous trike and balance bike of great quality, which will last for years and is ripe to gift on when finished or keep, it is such a beautiful item.

A Binky is a hop and a skip of sheer joy.

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